Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The F Word!


Foreclosure seems to be the f word anymore, neighborhood gossip, guilt & shame, the every body's doing it mentality. Yup, check all three off the list, we have a new f word! Even in our little hometown community, people are doing it. The similarities are shocking. If you ignore it, it will not go away! So, what's a girl to do when she has clients that are afraid the f word might happen to them? Maybe clients seeking out the f word as an exiting risk that may reap great rewards? I guess I'd better roll up my sleeves and delve in, because this f word is floating around reeking havoc among the uneducated and unprotected!

First I would like to say, like any good Realtor, I am not an attorney, accountant, inspector, contractor, psychic, or your great uncle Fred. If I don't cover something you would be wise to seek the council of any of the above. I am going to tell you more than you want to know about the process of short sell, and the process of acquiring a foreclosed property. My scope of knowledge is limited to that of a Realtor, and I just couldn't possibly cram any more information into my poor little brain than that anyway. The next two posts are here to be helpful, and provide basic information. If you want advice on your specific situation give me a call and we can look things over.

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